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"Generals" Lyrics


he mostly flew with generals / to mitigate his sighs

they crested on the winds aloft / while he pencil-sharpened lies

the world below bathed clean the light / that caressed it from above

he mostly flew with generals / that flight of aging doves

(C) but not by sick ones bats started / to clamber to the sky

their hooking flight disarming me / just as i'd arrived

the captain wore a wooden leg / to wrestle with the sea

a sea of stars, his safety net / what she'd like to have him be

and up there in the darkling dark / his telescope imbibed

the captain wore a wooden leg / and stardust for his eyes

(C) the snowflakes pale imitations / yet you laugh as they descend

your crooked smile disarming me / my wits stretched to their end


the knights of spruce and alder / rode 'gainst the dragon's breath

they faced its fire to free her / though they hadn't even met her yet

the rose upon the pedestal / the scarlet sacrifice

the knights of spruce and alder / would die for her love twice

(C) i died but once and yet i lost / more than they had to hide

those winter arms disarming me / you rolled me like the tide


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