Oct 16, 2019

New "From the Studio" Video Playlist!

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

As you already know if you follow me on Instagram, I occasionally post videos there of my work in the studio. They aren't particularly polished or beautiful videos, but I like sharing snippets of what I'm working on, teases of finished songs, weird looper jams, and so on.

Yesterday, I got it into my head that it might be fun to collect all of those clips into a YouTube playlist and include them on the website. So that's what I did. You can now see the "From the Studio" playlist on the homepage and under the "Videos" tab.

I'll add new videos to the playlist as I record them.

I'm hoping to have some time to work on the last few songs this weekend, as well as get Lindsey into the studio to add some vocals to some of the already-almost-finished songs. If Lindsey's doing vocal overdubs, there will definitely be some videos of that, because it will be awesome. Anyway, check out my putterings-about in video form!